Sunday, February 26, 2012


Mondays Camden and I have two hours to ourselves while Addison is in school.  Most days I let Camden decide what we'll do together ... it usually involves a park and a blueberry scone from Starbucks.

My best attempt at a self portrait, unfortunately I have short arms.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Addie has always been an adventurous eater.  I'm usually so proud that she'll try anything but this makes me a little queasy.  David introduced her to these a few months back ...

And she really does enjoy them ....

While eating her worm snack she and Cam decided to make a spider web inside the house to see if they could catch more insects to eat ...

Unfortunately there were no bugs in the house to be caught so she took the worm snack to the web ....

And I spent my evening deconstructing the web.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


While I was cleaning the kitchen today I watched as Addie brought out an empty toy bucket from her room.  She put it up on the couch then grabbed a blanket.  Next she took off her clothes and climbed into the bucket.  As always Camden was right beside her following her every move.  When they'd finally both settled into their buckets I asked what they were doing.  Cam of course had no idea so Addie explained ... "We're being joeys and the buckets are our pouches and we had to take off our clothes because joeys don't wear clothes, and mom you know joeys are baby kangaroos, right?"  Um, yes I do.

Addie smiling 'like a joey' and Cam unaware that joeys don't use pacifiers.